A prompt that included - A Weird Western, A Heist, and A Rare Bottle of Whiskey. Here ya go.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
The two women stood in the middle of the sheriff’s office, hands in cuffs, standing so close that their shoulders touched - a show of support for each other. One was dressed in her fancy clothes, velvet skirt, light blouse, small black jacket, her long black hair was pulled back in a long braid. While one was feminine, the other was the opposite - legs in leather chaps, a pair of jeans, black leather vest and a well worn cowboy hat on her head. Kelly had an empty gun holster around her waist, while the gun from the pocket of Beth's skirt sat on the desk. Best friends since childhood, known for the trouble that followed them.
Sheriff Livingstone was not enjoying things one bit, “Now tell me one more time why you two were out walking alone on a road that Nigel Chauncery's wagon disappeared on the night before?”
Beth took a deep breath, “We were just catching some great mountain air, Sheriff."
Kelly smiled sweetly at him, “Right, What's wrong with taking a nice long walk to clear the mind.”
Sheriff Livingstone sighed deeply, “Ladies, I know for a fact that in a few minutes Nigel Chauncery is going to walk through that door demanding that I throw you two in jail for robbery. He’s been over at the saloon yelling about it ever since his wagon went missing. So you better get your story straight before he gets here."
"Well, there's a slight problem with the wagon," Kelly added.
"Problem? Other than you two were walking back into town without it," the Sheriff asked.
“It never went missing, it's just a big misunderstanding,” Beth replied.
“That’s not the story I am getting from Nigel. I’m going to have to throw you in jail.”
Beth looked at Kelly who looked at the floor, “Can you uncuff us first Sheriff? It may be a little easier if we do not look like criminals.”
Sheriff looked at them, then pulled a key from his belt. “Now that’s the first good idea you ladies have come up with today.”
He un-cuffed them and as he was putting them back on his belt, the door to his office slammed open as Nigel Chauncery and two of his men came storming into the room.
“Sheriff, I want these two thrown in jail for thievery!”
“Now Nigel, take a step back…”
“Where is the wagon! I want to see that wagon!” he walked over to the women, “What did you do with my wagon?”
Beth smiled at her boyfriend, how in the world did she think that skinny face was handsome? “What wagon?"
Nigel’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her, “What wagon, my wagon! The one that I use every day to go to Spielertown. That wagon.”
"But it's your wagon."
"Precisely, it is my wagon, not your wagon - so where is it."
"Well, if it is your wagon, then why would I have it?" Beth looked innocent.
"Because you stole it, that's why you have it," he screamed.
"I'm getting confused, who's wagon are we talking about," one of Nigel's men asked.
"Well, if I have it then where is it," Kelly asked.
"I don't know where it is, that's why you're going to jail, you have it, I want it, it's mine, now give it back," he looked like a small child having a temper tantrum."
"We don't have it," Beth said.
"I know that. Where did you put it," Nigel asked.
“We were planning on borrowing the wagon , but the wagon was borrowed from us by some very nice men. They told us they’d return it by sundown.”
Nigel looked like he would explode, “And who were these guys?”
Kelly smiled at him, “We’d never met them before, they said they were friends of yours Tom and Gerald Blackman.”
Nigel ran his hands through his hair, then looked at them. “Did they say where they were taking it?”
Beth shrugged, “they said something about an auction?”
Nigel paced, “They are going to cost me a lot of money.”
The Sheriff looked at him, “Why, what will they auction?”
Nigel looked at them, “There’s high stakes poker game in Spielertown this weekend, only big players. They were coming for the auction of Devil's Dare.”
“Devil's Dare, what’s that” Kelly asked.
“It’s a blend of whiskey, very rare, they only make 8 bottles a year. I was able to buy one, and it was part of the game. It was my buy in.”
Kelly looked over at Beth, who’s mouth was in a silent O as her hand slowly came up to cover it.
One of Nigel's men coughed, “Boss, if we leave now, we can make Spielertown before the game and get the bottle from the Blackmans, we can get it back from them before the game.”
Nigel looked at him, “Great idea. Guys, let’s get moving.”
They left the office, ran over to their horses and rode out of town, a large cloud of dust following them.
The Sheriff turned to the ladies, "You ladies are amazing. You took that wagon, dumped it with the Blackmans and kept the bottle of whiskey for yourselves. Genius. Now where do you think we should sell it? Head over to Goldverton? or just keep going until the next big city?"
“Well…” Kelly looked over at Beth.
“Hmmm,” Beth agreed.
“What?” The Sheriff asked.
“That could be a problem,” Kelly said quietly.
“Just a wee small problem,” Beth added.
“Ladies, what kind of problem,” the Sheriff asked hands moving to his hips.
“The whiskey,” Kelly said quietly.
“Yes, that’s just a small problem,” Beth added.
“And what might that problem be,” the Sheriff asked.
“We kind of drank it last night,” Kelly said.
“Seemed like a good idea at the time,” Beth muttered.
“Oh hell.”