Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Kryptonite

Have you been over to Trader Joes yet?
I think the store was invented by drug dealers.
It sells itself as a grocery store.
You walk out with a case of wine for $35
What? You don't buy by the case?
A box of salted caramels
Old Fashioned Licorice Twists
Chocolate covered ginger
and the Kryptonite---
Kettle Corn Cookies.

No where else can I justify this much junk on one shopping trip.
Oh wait, I did buy a bunch of bananas to not feel so guilty.
Either they are drug dealers keeping us all on our sugar high,


Invented by the guys who created Jeggings (leggings with pockets) because NO ONE will wear regular pants after a few trips to THAT store.
What's your Kryptonite?


  1. Beer and chips and you know that well.. see you in about 30 minutes for a little of both!!

    1. Too many of those has me buying extra jeggings!

  2. Mine is Dark Chocolates! omg! I'm craving for it again! :)

  3. LOVE dark chocolate, at least it has some redeeming value because THEY say it is good for you.

    Only in limited quantities - there lies the rub...

  4. Cookies! Specifically Oreos but any ol' cookie will do me in every time! Found you through Bloggy Moms.

    1. If you love cookies, then try out Kettle Corn Cookies from Trader Joes. Dah Bomb! Thanks for the comments!
