Monday, January 28, 2013

Words for the Week - Give Yourself A Hug

Give Yourself A Hug

Four simple words with a big impact on your week.  You know what?  It's OK to be you, in fact there is no one else out there exactly like you - you are unique.

"Be yourself, everyone else is taken." - Abraham Lincoln

Accept everything that is you.  Laugh at some of the things you do.  Make a mistake, tuck it away and simply move on.

We try too hard to be perfect.  You know what, so do I.  But if I waited for anything to be perfect, I'd have nothing to show, because nothing is perfect.  So give yourself a hug and be who YOU want to be, not what others are expecting.

Think about it.

Hugging is fat free, organic and sweet with out the sugar.

Hugs are inflation proof and require no advance payment or installments.

A hug for 20 seconds releases oxytocin, a hormone that makes a person trust you more.

Hug reduce stress, in a study, couple who watched a movie holding hands and hugged at the end had much lower stress levels than those who didn't.

So for the next week, give yourself a hug because you are amazing.  Give others a hug because that part of you is special to them.  

Have you hugged yourself lately?

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