Friday, January 25, 2013

Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You

This preview is rated for all audiences.

Can you survive the stench of moldy socks?  Can you get away from old underwear?  Kelly Melang, quiet country domestic engineer finds herself trapped in a house with two monsters.  Can she figure out what that yellow sticky stuff is on the floor?  Will she be able to clean it so it really goes away?  Or is it a sign of something more sinister?  There’s movement in the house and she cannot get away from it.  She wants to believe her family is this sweet stick people that are plastered on the back of her minivan, but behind the broken screen door there is something MORE.  There is a dog that likes to chew tiny holes into every comforter in the home, while pulling out the stuffing.  There is something wet on the floor in the bathroom.  There is something lightly glowing in the back of the refrigerator.  And she isn’t sure what that noise is that is keeping her up all night.

Can our heroine navigate through the dirty clothes in their room?  Can she find what’s in the fridge that smells and get it safely out to the garbage.  Can she reclaim all of her dishes from under their bed?   And our big question - can she make it through the day?

Coming to a theatre near you - The Return of the Zombie Socks, a story so horrifying it will have you on the edge of your seat as you hear Kelly say, “What is that smell?”

Rated PG-13, not for young children who haven’t adopted the bad habits of their older siblings yet.

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