Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why a Great Mom is A Great Follower

As mother's we hope to create great leaders.  Sometimes it takes a great follower to create a great leader.

We follow toddlers on a 24/7 basis keeping bugs they picked up off the floor from going into their mouth.

We follow babies at any get together helping them avoid staircases, or toilets or cousins.

We follow their trail down the hallway and into their room, picking up the discarded shoes and clothing along the way.

We follow them when they are sad until they can't stand it anymore and tell us what's wrong.

We follow their bike, keeping them from falling until they are too quick and we have to let go.

We follow on one foot after stepping on a lego while cleaning up a room.

We follow them down the hallway of school - hiding behind the door, peeking in periodically, until it is considered socially unacceptable.

We follow and sit just within ear shot of that first "get together" (date) at the cool place of "Mickey D's."

We follow the bus on its first trip to school.

We run behind them, trying to find out why it was such a good idea to cut the hair on the dog.

We sign up and follow them on field trips - regretting it each and every time but signing up again.

We follow them in the kitchen closing all the cabinets and drawers as they "make" cookies.

We follow our nose until it finds the plate of food casually hidden under the bed.

And that my friends, is as far as I go for now.....

Where do you follow?

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