Monday, November 26, 2012

How to know Thanksgiving is over, or something smells...

Ten ways to know that the Thanksgiving holiday is OVER...

10.  You just realize your Pumpkin decorations are rotten.

9.   Your pants don't fit.

8.   You've lost the urge to eat pumpkin cake or drink pumpkin spice coffee.

7.  You're finally sick of turkey.

6.  You're afraid to step on the scale.

5.  You've become very fond of stretchy pants.

4.  You are still sore from pushing those shoppers out of the way on Black Friday.

3.  The dog has thrown up the wish bone.

2.  Monday morning felt like the first day of school after summer break - no one could get moving.

1.  You find  "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas...." stuck in your brain from the Christmas music on the radio!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What are you thankful for?

Things I am Thankful for on Thanksgiving

  1. I don’t have to get up and walk to the TV to change the channel anymore.
  2. I never had to walk two miles in the snow, EVER, to get to school, especially barefoot and uphill.
  3. That Twinkies may have another chance
  4. My phone is not attached to a wall.
  5. My encyclopedia is now the internet
  6. That I can throw away a dirty diaper
  7. Stretchy Jeans
  8. It only takes 3 minutes in the microwave to make popcorn
  9. I didn’t have to sing 1000 bottles of beer on the wall during out 7 hour car ride
  10. Spray on suntan lotion - except on that windy day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yes, they are all mine!

There are so many special times when I am so proud calling my children - MINE!

Ways that my children resemble me:

1.  They have the amazing talent of losing everything.  I am tempted to staple their homework assignments to their forehead before they leave for school.

2.  My son cannot help himself but dance the day away.  Most times it is to his own beat but he doesn't care and neither do I.

3.  When the kids are out playing, I can only hear mine.  Yup, they are the loudest ones out there.

4.  They sometimes like to say the word Butt out loud and laugh.  This works equally well with Poop and other words.

5.  They have their own brand of fashion, nothing matches, and it works!

I am glad they do not resemble me in straight A's and I am proud to say that, but I'll keep working on them.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thank a Vet!

If you love being free
Thank a vet.
If you love this land from sea to sea
Thank a vet.

They bravely served,
Give them the thanks they deserve.
If you used your right to vote
Thank a vet.

If you are not under anyone's rule,
Thank a vet
If you have the right to go to school
Thank a vet

They went and answered the call,
Some even gave their all.
So that you could be free.
Thank a vet.

If you love your liberty,
Thank a vet.
All throughout our history
Thank a vet.

For their sacrifice and duty,
For leaving those they love truly,
To make this great country what it is,
Thank a vet.

Thank a vet
Thank a vet
Thank a vet

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Why Can't I.....

Inside the mind of a child...

Why can't I have candy for breakfast?  See this chocolate bar says, "MILK" chocolate.

Why can't I leave that wet towel on the floor?  Each time I step over it, it moves a little bit which is actually cleaning the floor.

Why can't I leave my dresser drawers open and hanging?  Makes it easier to see what is in them early in the morning?

Why can't I leave the bag of chips on the floor?  The dog needs to eat too.

Why can't I wear the same clothes for four days in a row?  I really like this shirt.

Why can't I use your shampoo on the dog?  It makes her hair so soft.

Why can't I put these on the table?  It says, "Sanitary Napkins."

Why can't I eat this bottle of vitamins?  If one is good for you them 10 should be great.

Why can't I use your toothbrush, we're family?