Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday morning ponderings?

I am beginning to love Sunday mornings.  When I get to sleep in to 630am and then sit at my computer for an hour and half before even THINKING about waking the family up.  With all this quiet time, I can ask you, dear reader, a few questions.

What does the inside of your nose smell like?

Why can you always trust people with big butts?

Why do we wash bath towels?  Aren't we already clean when we use them?  So when are they considered dirty?

On the subject of bath towels, do you wipe your butt with them first or your face?

Why do we always reach inside the room to turn on the light before walking in?  Keep the Walking Zombies at bay?

Why don't they put showers in therapists offices?  I solve a lot of problems while hot water hits my face.

Do you have MTV dreams too?  Music playing in your head all night?  Why is it the worst song every like I Will Survive?  Or simply ONE line over and over again?

And, yes.....sometimes I do have WAY too much time on my hands.  Time to make the bacon.

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