Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Birthday - I feel old...

My son turns 12 today, twelve, yep, that means that he's been on this Earth for twelve years.  How do I know that?

1.  He's shot up in height, I've sunk down.

2.  He has a six pack, I've got a litre bottle sitting there.

3.  All of his teeth have not fallen out, I'm glad I still have all of mine.

4.  His hair grows faster than I can cut it, mine falls out faster than I can color it.

5.  His birthday breakfast is bacon and eggs with a side of doughnuts, mine is one, yes, one single blueberry for its antioxidants.

6.  He can down an entire box of cereal in one sitting, I can add 1 pound of flab to my thighs by looking at said box of cereal.

7.  He can sleep through a nuclear fall out, I lie awake wondering if that really is a spider crawling across the floor.

8.  He grows out of his shorts in just a few months, I grow out of my spandex in just a few meals.

9.  Everything in his body is just getting started, mine is in the overheated stage.

10.  He's excited about getting a year older, I've quit aging at 21 plus change.

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