Monday, April 22, 2013

Did you read that status update? What?

To all those great fans of my page and friends of mine, here's a few Facebook etiquette for you:

10.  If you are posting religious or political posts - you're offending half of your friends while pissing off the rest of them.  Arguments?  That's for text messaging, not for the world.

9.  Facebook is your link to the world.  The world does not need to know, "Carol, you need to call me about my bunions."  That should be in a personal, yes a PERSONAL message.

8.  Seriously, if someone posts on Facebook that their dog just died, do not LIKE IT.  And if someone asks a question like, "What's your favorite color?" ANSWER the question rather than LIKING it.

7.  I know you really need your coins in Bejeweled Blitz, but please do not send me app requests to increase your coin count.  a.  I will not reply and b. I really don't care how many coins you need.

6.  We don't need "Vaguebooking," putting up a status update that is so vague that everyone goes WTF?  Case in point, what I just red, "After today, I'm beginning to wonder if it is all worth it."

5.  Your CAPS LOCK button means you are YELLING!  We can understand when the button gets stuck once, but continual CAPS LOCK MEAN YOU HAVE A LOT OF ANGER ISSUES TO DEAL WITH.

4.  Oversharing - there is such a things as TMI - too much information.  The picture of the chopped off finger (not good around breakfast time) and this status update I actually read, "Note to self: Thongs don't work with wrap around dresses."

3.  Stalkommenting - It's OK to stalk someone, many of us feel slightly flattered.  But commenting on every single thing we post - not cool.

2.  Don't make me like anything with a "If you are a dog person, like this status.  If you are a cat person, comment."  Believe me, I will do neither.

1.  You don't have to be everyone in the world's friend.  Sometimes it's OK to ignore the request from Piggly Wiggly Patty if you really don't know who she is.  And Debbie Downer - she'll never know if you unfriend her.  Keep your Facebook less stressful by keeping your real friends close.

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