Wednesday, April 22, 2015

WTF Mother's Day Gift Idea - The "V" Steam

At a loss on what Mom wants?  Trying to do something different?

Groupon is offering a discount on the "V" Steam.  Yes, that's right.  Steam out the vijigi or "steam clean the cat?"

What a wonderful idea?  Why would Mom like this?

Much of the time is spent naked, sitting on what looks like a very comfortable toilet seat, the opening designed to shoot perfumed (OK, essential oils  and "medicinal herbs" are better than Febreeze) up through those nether parts that usually don't see the sun.

Since most Moms have no problem with walking around naked, it is more relaxing not having children walking in asking questions, which makes this spa PERFECT.  In this spa you wear a plastic cape, no, not the Wonder Woman kind, the hairdresser kind, sitting on a glorified toilet seat.

The toilet seat, according to my research is much like grandma's.  Remember those lovely vinyl padded ones, that were so comfortable sitting on, until the rip in the vinyl pinched your ass?  Well there are no rips, and of course, the air in the spa does not smell like the Lysol of grandma's house but the essential oils and "medicinal" herbs for your vagina steam.

Now sit and spread your legs as far apart as you want to (did a man write this?) enjoying the steam,  coming up through the hole, cleansing that little kitty cat.  Need more steam?  Just tell the attendant.  Or as my grandma would say, "Honey, I can't feel a thing, put that baby on high."  Or better yet, my great aunt once asked the gynie if he found a college ring up there, let's hope nothing falls out if your legs are so far apart.

At the very end, you're supposed to put the cape over your head and breath in the glorifying steam for total relaxation.  Something in my mind wonders if it is traveling up through there, do I want to breathe it?   If you get too hot, I mean, really? There is steam coming out of your vagina, the attendant can cool you off with a fan.  Does that include hot flashes?  And if the fan has blades, well, I guess I am not going to go there.

Finally I am told you feel squeaky clean.  After a trip to the "V" spa do you act like you've been to the hairdresser.  The usual line something like, "Look but do not touch, I just had my V did and I don't want to mess it up."

Would you ever go to a "V" spa, because if you'd like to, there's a coupon sitting on Groupon.

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