Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I cannot breathe, my nose is beeping - another term my children use for throbbing.  And it is producing a copious amount of snot.

Isn't that lovely word - snot.  Wikipedia (and we all know that everything is true on the internet) defines snot as a "slang term for nasal mucus."  I'm not sure which sounds worse - snot or mucus?  Either way, if you could make money off of snot, I'd be a millionaire right now.

Did you know there was a band named Snot from 1995-1998?  A group of musicians actually got together and said, "What should we name our band?"

One of them, holding a tissue says, "I don't knowb but my nobe is full of snot."

"Snot!  That's perfect!  We'll be rich and famous."  And so the story goes.

In England, midshipmen were called "snotty?"  I don't know, but with all the work involved with keeping a ship "shipshape," I'd probably feel a little snotty too.

LEGO even had a snotty term, called SNOT.  "Studs not on top" was what it meant, and if you are like me your mind immediately traveled into the gutter now didn't it?

Finally there's how I feel, like the dog Snots on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - a veritable factory of snot, leaving a white used tissue trail of crumbs so my children can find me in the house when I am deliberately hiding from them.

Snot is meant to trap particles of debris and keep them out of your bodies.  As they dry into boogers, figure that the boogers contain things that you smell during the day.  My son likes to say if you smell a fart then it sits in your boogers, which is why it is a bad idea to eat your boogers.  I like the logic.

So excuse me, I've got a box of Kleenex with my name written all over it.  Do you love or hate snot?

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