Wednesday, October 31, 2012

And the winner is....Lesson Learned, I think...

There's nothing like the feeling of a Mom when you 8 year old tells you he's running for office, and it includes a campaign stop at Old Richmond complete with a speech.  Then the feeling when you watch you child do the thing that freaks you out - getting up and speaking in public.  Then he comes home after voting and says.....

"Eli won the election.  It's OK."

My first reaction?  "Damn that Eli, how did he win.  Didn't they see how perfect you were?'

Luckily this reaction is in my head and we do what we Melangs do best, we move to plan B.

"Are you OK?"

"Yep...pause...I can still serve dessert to the veterans."

Me, pause as I try to think of the perfect Mom moment, "Well, you did great.  I'm glad you ran."

I drive on and do a few things.  Marvel that my child has taken the loss so well, did I instill that in him? Of another momism, then I worry, Do I not make him competitive enough?  Maybe he's got my flexible gene, don't get what you want, move on.

Then I realize that he's taught me a lesson.  He went for it, when I would have been nervous.  He made the signs himself, promoting himself when sometimes I hide behind my flaws, he wrote his speech himself when I really wanted to help him, then he stood up and did what causes me to sweat - spoke to a full house.

Then he did what I am the most proud of, he took a hit and didn't let it bring him down.  He shrugged that off, figuring there's more opportunity out there, so why cry over what you lost, why not make a  move into something else you want.  Is he dwelling on what he could have done?  He's a kid.  He's already forgotten about it.

So my son taught me a lesson.  Don't worry about what other's think of you, do what you want to do.  And if it doesn't work out, then move on to Plan B and keep your positive attitude.  Sure, there was a few sniffs because he didn't win, but when I come out and see that little boy moving onto something else it's my kick in the butt to do the same too.

Maybe we are both growing up.  What do you think?

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