Tuesday, January 3, 2012

REAL Reason to Join A Gym

Just as the doors to the YMCA open at 5am there's a Who Style Concert crowd trying to get through the door first, wanting to show everyone that they are keeping their New Years Resolution to stay in shape!  Luckily I was not trampled by the stampede, I witnessed this every year at the stroke of Jan 1 only to watch over 50% of them fall off the wagon a few months later.  So luckily my new years resolution started YEARS ago has become a full out addiction that keeps me coming to the gym after all of them drop off.  Why?

1.  I really like to eat.
2.  I really like to eat out.
3.  I sometimes (most of the time) don't make really good choices.
4.  I've never forgotten to eat.
5.  I can't pass up a chicken tender left on a plate.
6.  There's usually a glass of wine with the meal.
7.  I do not want to get fat.

It's pretty simple, if I stop working out my meals would resemble a supermodels, a blueberry, some beet juice and a diet shake.  So, therefore, I work out!


  1. I do all of steps 1-7 too, except the working out, LOL! Dropping by from Time Travel Tuesday :)
