Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fashion Sense or Common Sense, which do you have?

I now understand why most old people have no fashion sense, it’s all about comfort!  When you hit that age where every question to the doctor is follow by an answer that starts with, “At your age....” you’ve moved into what I call the comfort zone.  
Most of us at this point have that significant other, so who really do we have to impress?  They’ve seen us naked (sometimes in not the most suggestive pose, the “honey, we’re out of toilet paper” suggestive pose) so why spend the money to have the most stylish wardrobe when there’s no point, you already have your man.  A friend once told me she was getting her breast implants taken out, “I have my man, I have my kids, these aren’t needed anymore, and frankly they are getting in the way.”
So when it comes to fashion sense, I’ll take common sense all the way.  Why go out in the strappy high heel shoes when it’s 15 degrees and snowing?  I’ve got the fur lined boots that are downright comfortable.  And wearing the skimpy dress out to dinner in February?  Why, when I’ll have my coat on the entire time anyway because I’m freezing my ass off.
I watched a woman who was obviously a tourist at our Ski Resort with her boyfriend.  How do I know he was her boyfriend?  Because he was walking quickly with a brochure in his hand and she was hobbling behind him in BEAUTIFUL high heeled shoes that were obviously killing her feet. (you do know that there is snow on the ground at Ski Resorts and it doesn’t work really well with high heeled shoes)  On top of that she had a VERY CUTE (not warm) vest (it is 11 degrees outside) with a shirt skirt AND no long underwear.  She’d only be suffering through the agony of that outfit if he were a boyfriend.  If they were married, one hour in our freezing temps she’d be saying, “Shit, honey, I’m freezing my ass off and my feet are killing me.  Time to pony up at the ski shop and buy me some warmth!!”  I do see married couples looking very happy walking around with big puffy shopping bags covered with the resort’s logos.
So I wear more sport bras than Wonder keeps everything gravity is trying to move around exactly where I want it and it is comfortable!  I love Spandex because I don’t have to unbutton anything and I’m comfortable after a big meal..  I’ll take the Dansko clogs over my spike heels any day, I could even sneak in an insert and then I’m really set!  
But when that family reunion rolls around, I’ll still pull out the high heels and wear them just long enough for everyone to see me looking stylish and cool, then toss them in the corner and finish dancing the night away in my bare feet.  What do you sacrifice for comfort?


  1. LOL what would they do with you in Boca? ;)

  2. Probably trying to walk in the sand with high heels, just as difficult! How are you my friend?
