Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day

Snow falling all day long.  A wicked wind reminding of me every horror movie I watched as a kid.  That type of wind howling around the house, making you stop, looking at the windows periodically for Jack Frost standing there waiting for an invitation to come in.

This is what makes winter feel so special to my heart.  Days like today when you can take the excuse, opt out and it is OK.  Why do we always need an excuse to step back and spend time with the people we love?  I am guilty of the same thing, which is why today - I'm grabbing that hooky paper and using it, gladly.

Walking out in the swirling snow, feeling the wind as it pushes you up that hill is another special part of a snowy day.  Feeling the forces of nature, reminding you that you are small.  You are like that small spec, that individual snowflake, make your part of the universe special, don't let it pass you by.  Breathing in cold air, walking with a purpose, find something to be grateful about in this day.

Everything is covered in white, looking fresh and new, unbroken, peaceful.  Then that wind reminds you that nothing stays the same, as you watch the snow create a new piece of artwork as the wind pushes it in different directions.  Peace and change.  Two things that go hand in hand.

I'm going to sit with my glass of wine and a fire.  I'm going to listen to that wind, trying to interpret what it wants to tell me.  I'm going to accept the peace and change, as I opt out, tag out, play that hooky card.

Maybe just listen to the wind.

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