Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year, A New Adventure

I was asked to sum up my year, and couldn't even get started.  Here's a few things I learned in 2014.....

Things sag, but if you let your attitude sag then you are in big trouble.

For those things that sag, there are other things that pull them back up.

For an attitude sag, all you need is a little time with family.

Each grey hair is equal to every time you laugh, at least that is what I tell myself because dang!  I have a lot of them!

Good friends will always lift your spirits, even if it is from two hours away, a computer screen in a distant land or sitting next to you in front of the fire.  There was a wise man who sang, "I get by with a little help from my friends."

Mistakes will be made, you will fall.

The most important thing is the getting up and brushing yourself off and continuing on.

Leave the trail dust behind because the journey is ahead of you, not behind you.  Get to the finish line one way or the other.

But if you plan on falling, always remember to tuck and roll, because when you fall, plan on falling spectacularly!

Love openly and honestly and you'll be surprised at the results.

Do a few things naked.  You'll be surprised at how your perspective changes!

Always do your thing, never have any regrets.

And finally, the most important thing I learned.

Love yourself and it is amazing how many people will do the same.

Happy 2015, here's to an amazing year of new possibilities!


  1. You're right about good friends--they are a great antidote to low spirits!

    1. Thanks! I know, they know when to add advice and when to just shut up and listen.
