Monday, May 5, 2014

WTF - Fundraiser?

So, I am knee deep in helping with a Spring Fundraiser at someplace on the planet, and part of the idea was to create a thermometer.  You know, chronicling the progress as we add money to coffers for something new and spectacular at this favorite place of mine.

Don't you like how I am covering up the, "the names and places of this blog are in no way close to anyone I know because everyone knows I am a recluse who doesn't really go anywhere."

Any way, the banner is delivered to this place, and certain parties do the work of rolling it out ready for hanging on the front of the non profit establishment.

Here's the banner:


I know, the person in charge mentions, "Doesn't that look like a phallus?"

I'm thinking, "What's a phallus?"  Then it hits me!  Oh yeah, it does look like a big uh, one headed wonder!

Normally most people would say, "Isn't that a big dick?"  But the people I am fundraising for are educated, I hear things like, "phallus, that male body part, male anatomy."

So as the people at the establishment go into panic mode to fix the sign, my mind takes a turn for the worse.

Hmmm, does this cat print make my penis look small?  Meow?

Umm, maybe if we reach our goal we can have fireworks coming out of the top?

Who's decision was it to make the cat print purple?  Really?

Are those ticks, well, you know, well, oh never mind.

Then it hits me.  

Well, you can see that I've been married too long when I don't notice the big wiener on the banner.

And, maybe if we keep it, it will surely capture the attention of all the women, now won't it?

Which could bring in a lot of money?

We could hit our goal.

Oh, I can see the fireworks!

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