Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is that smell?

Babies prepare us for the lifelong job of being a mother.  How?  They prepare our noses:

It starts as an infant - they create the most unbelievable concoctions in their diaper - things you never believed you could smell and actually survive.  This prepares us for:

The leftover crap in the car - specifically the milk they decided to spill in the backseat on your floor mats, so that smell lingers and gets stronger on a hot summer day, which prepares us for:

The lunchbox that sits at the school Lost and Found for 2 weeks with the Thermos of pasta sitting in it

having a party with the water bottle full of apple juice and the cut up pears sitting in the plastic bag.  All of which is opened and put in the dishwasher preparing us for:

The science expermient that sits in the back of the fridge for 6 months, someone's got to guess what it is or what it what, which prepares us for:

The plate of food that ran upstairs and hid itself under their bed for a week, or so they tell you.  As you clean it, it prepares you for:

The tweenie getting in the car after a hot summer day at school, immediately taking their shoes off while reminding you they forgot to wear socks, which prepares you for:

The hormonal child after an extended gym class day in 90 degrees getting into your car, rolling up the windows and turning on the air conditioner, prompting you to have the talk about deodorant, which prepares us for:

Finding a huge pile of clothes sitting on top of the washing machine and wondering if you washed them or they are in need of a wash, with a heavy sigh you know what you need to do to find out, which prepares us for:

Cleaning out the boys bathroom, including scrubbing the toilet that obviously someone has missed and didn't notice.

See it all begins with shit and ends with shit.

The nose knows.

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