Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lessons Learned About The Zombie Apocalypse - Woods Of Terror Zombie Mud Run

Yesterday I experienced the Woods of Terror Zombie Mud Run.  I realized this morning that I am fully prepared for the coming Zombie Apocalypse if I follow these steps:

1.  Always make sure you are the slowest person in the group.  The zombies will attack the fast people first giving you PLENTY of time to quietly slip by and survive.

2.  If you are the slowest person, trip the fast person in the beginning, this will give you plenty of start time to get out of the way.

3.  Most think the gamer is the person to bring, they have online experience with zombies - they are the best to bring because they've been in a chair for years - use them as bait

4.  Looking for your shoes in a mud pit - ain't nobody got time for that!

5.  Why worry about getting wet, dive in first - it cools your body temperature then the zombies cannot find you.

6.  Mud is your friend - camouflage my friends, camouflage my friends.

7.  Test out the garlic theory - eat tons of garlic the night before perhaps the smell coming from your skin will repel vampires AND zombies!

8.  If you are going to straddle and slide across a log over water - pick the one with less bark, certain parts of your body will thank you.

9.  Always have someone with you that has big boobs - for some reason they always attract the monsters AND make the men around them slow down - better your chances of getting away.

10.  Create a survival plan, make sure everyone is on board with it, then ditch it at the end, what ever goes according to plan?

What would you add to the plan?

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