Friday, February 15, 2013

Ok Ya'll I'm confessing

Somebody challenged me to a fess up Friday.  Cough Cough.  Here goes:

10.  Sometimes I don't listen to someone when they are talking to me.  Especially true when a child is complaining or a husband is lecturing.

9.  I have my own secret stash of Girl Scout Cookies.  I put them in the Tampax box under my sink.

8.  I rolled up my son's socks and stuffed them in the bottom of my bra.  At the end of the day, I put the socks back in his drawer and let everything else hang loose.

7.  Sometimes I can be catty.  I won't tell you about who and with whom.  That's still a secret.

6.  Back when I was a Great Mom and didn't have kids, I remembered everything.  Today I went to lunch and came back to my keys still in the ignition of my car.

5.  I am a hoarder.  Luckily for my family it's not cats or old tin cans.  I hoard office supplies, books, notebooks, running socks, and sports bras.  To the point where I say, "Wow, when did I get that?"

4.  I will sometimes put my champagne in a coffee cup - especially when it's early in the morning.  No just kidding, well when all the other glasses are waiting on the dishwasher though.

3.  I haven't cleaned under my sofa cushions in going on a year, maybe a year and a  half.  I figure that any food is petrified at this point and we may need it if the asteroid hits today.

2.  I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and stalk my friends rather than sleep.  But I DO NOT post that I am awake at 3am.

1.  I read Fifty Shades of Grey - and a few parts of it twice.  Mostly because my mind was thinking, "Now, the human body cannot do that."