Monday, February 4, 2013

Man oh man

One of the leading news stories this morning was about a bill introduced to outlaw words with the word "man" in it. So colleges cannot call their incoming students "freshmen."


So what are they, fresh people, or fresh crowd, or fresh human beings? Or we just go with the obvious, "students."

In this city do they have police people? And personholes? Do they have peopleowars washing up in the beaches?

They say that the move is to keep women from being offended by the use if the word MAN. Seriously, was anyone really worrying about this?

Here's what I picture. City councilman, I mean city council person sitting behind a very large desk, "my constitutes, don't worry our unemployment, I'm sorry, our unemploypersonent rate is 16.9%, we need to work on hiring more word police taking THE MAN out of everything."

It is these things that not just make you sigh, but make you slap your head saying,"MAN oh MAN". Oh, I'm sorry, "PERSON oh PERSON."

1 comment:

  1. I guess those students need to have an equal amount of seminars and ovanars as well just to cover your bases. Dear, oh dear...
