Saturday, June 16, 2012

How to survive traveling with kids

Lessons learned on traveling with 5 kids

1.  It doesn't matter whether you come from a family of three or a family of 5 - you're part of the pack and it's survival of the fittest.  Especially when it comes to the last powdered sugar doughnut or the one bathroom in the hotel room.

2.  The amount of annoying everyone in the car is directly dependent upon the size of the car.  The mini van - oh they all got along.  The mini Cooper?  I still think there are scratch marks on the inside of the window.

3.  When traveling with boys you will get used to hearing, "Dude," and "Butt," and "Poop."  When traveling with boys and girls, you MUST get used to hearing "STOP!"

4.  Feet smell.

5.  Don't buy any gum on the trip, it will disappear the minute it enters the car.  The next 15 minutes will be the sounds of wet chomping followed by, "Where can I throw this out, it doesn't have any flavor."  Save the money.

6.  Technology is your friend - in the car to keep children occupied, and in the hotel room to keep you sane.  A computer with iCarly on in the background will give you time to write your blog post.

7.  Make sure you are the first up and into the bathroom, you will thank yourself later with 4 boys rise and wander over to the only bathroom.

8.  Pick a hotel with a breakfast buffet, it will not only save you time in the morning, but will give you peace as you send the heathens down to terrorize the "Piping Hot Breakfast" lady and you can use the bathroom in peace.

9.  Make sure the last stop of the car before the hotel is at the local restaurant that advertises "100+ taps," it will make the hotel stay with 5 kids much easier!

10.  What always starts as a good idea, will never be a good idea - until 5 years later when you are sitting having drinks telling the story and laughing about it.

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