Friday, March 2, 2012

Today my life was a Hallmark Movie, specifically I crashed the set of a Hallmark Movie filming downtown running this morning.  I think my 15 seconds of fame will end on the cutting room floor because it consisted of me running down the street, me being stopped by a policeman, yelled 
 “didn’t you see the barricades,”  the policeman yells as I hear sighs by the group of people I'm running in between.
“oh, those?  I thought they were for cars," I smile at the camera and pick up my pace.
So during the next hour and half of my run I wondered what type of Hallmark Movie would I star in, and I came up with the perfect formula.
Love on the Run is a new movie on the Hallmark Channel.  Staring Ashley Judd (isn’t she in all the Hallmark movies?)as Kelly Melang a woman entrepeneur, runner and writer who just can’t find love as she lets everything in her life take priority.
Love on the Run is a story of a chance meeting, a different running route and the story would never happen.  A chance meeting by running into local Rockstar, Raif Strange (played by Matthew McConaughey), a rock star with six pack abs, brooding blue eyes, a sensitive side (don't they all have this in Hallmark movies?)  Raif doesn't believe in love, he's been jilted by his supermodel girlfriend (of course Kelly is prettier) and running to forget about love and loss.  After meeting Kelly and liking her ENGAGING (this part of the movie IS true) he enlists the help of Kelly as he trains for his first race, the Valentine’s Sweetheart Race.  What the two star crossed lovers don’t realize is there are boyfriends and girlfriends that want them back, the issue of trust between them and a lot of other road blocks in the road.
Will Raif and Kelly find love on the run?  Will they run from the love they both know is there?  Or will the secret Kelly is hiding tear them apart and leave them running FROM each other.  (ooh, what secret - she loves barefoot running?  or that she is a secret heiress?)
Love On the Run is the newest and most exciting movie on the Hallmark Channel, a new direction of fitness love, that love of fitness and love can intertwine and you never know, choose a difference direction and find that one that completes your soul as you run into the sunset together.
I trip over some electrical wires and am brought back to the present.  Well, I guess my fifteen minutes of fame is over.  What would the trailer of your Hallmark Channel sound like?

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