Sunday, March 25, 2012

Race Day Report = Game Face

First race in a series called Race The Bar, different bars around Greensboro and Winston, increasing distances with each race - but time with friends and free beer at the end! So I came with friends, everyone looking at each other saying, "Oh yeah, I'm here for the free beer at the end, nothing big."

Didn't help the sun decided to come out right as the race started and with 100% humidity and 80 degrees yours truly was VERY happy (NOT) but I stood at the starting line looking around thinking, "Hmmm, I came to have fun, who am I kidding, I came to kick some asphalt and now I'm rethinking my plan because there are a lot of really fit looking people here!"  Did it help I ate a pound of twizzlers pre race as a sugar fix - same said candy now sitting like a rock in my stomach.  Walking to the starting line, there's a guy IN NEON, standing behind a tree peeing - really?

I quietly draw my group of friends to the front of the pack, where all the speedy people start and get out my headphones.  Some are saying, "If it's hills, I'm not doing well, others - it's so hot right now."  I'm thinking, "The sooner I get this over the better, let's just get the show on the road."

Making the same mistake I make in every 5K, as the gun goes off I start out WAY too quick, the twizzlers now tapping at the back of my throat.  I pay for that fast start with a very difficult mile 2, the sun beating on my head, heat radiating from the asphalt under my feet.  By mile 2.5 I'm thinking, "I really could walk this, my mind kicks in and says, "If you're not giving it your all, then you don't need to be here." I throw water in my face and on my head at the water stop and feel better.   I am very excited about the downhill and as I finally hit my stride, it's OVER!"

I was over 25 minutes, and once the nausea was gone, ready for the free beer.  I hang with friends laughing about my 67th place finish until I hear my name called as 1st place Masters Female!  We are all surprised as everyone in the group places in age groups and we're all holding victory pints!  Later when checking the results, I see I won by 32 seconds - had I stopped AT ALL I'd be in second place.  My friends say they thought about running but all of us in a line seeing each other continuing to run kept the momentum!  Next race is in May.

So sure the race sucked, it was hot, it was humid but we are all winners!  Staying the course and putting everything in to it is what makes racing FUN and EXCITING!  Do you give it your all?  Oh and neon guy, I think I beat him too!


  1. What a fun and unexpected win for all! That was a great day and what racing is all about. Not stopping when you want to and the satisfaction at the end of the race! Oh and the beer and pint glass, icing on the cake!

  2. Don't you know it, love pushing the limits and a reward at the end---I'm not talking about the beer!!
