Friday, July 25, 2014

WTF - Doll Edition

There's a news story circulating about a California woman, wanting to spread a smile, was leaving porcelain dolls on the doorsteps of neighbors.  Dolls that looked like the neighbors or the neighbor's children.  Granted a few people were freaked out about this, so it got me thinking, what if someone left.....

I don't know if you remember my WTF regarding the Birth Doll - for a funny read click here.  Here's a small preview:

Human Centipede Doll - have you seen that movie?  If not, just watch the trailer.  This is great one if you are trying to get a neighbor to put a For Sale sign in their front yard..

We always love education.  This would be perfect for that child that likes telling everyone in the neighborhood all about the birds and bees, because he's just learned them.  I think this would work on keeping him quiet.  He'll be too busy trying to fit all four of those little minions back in.

This doesn't have to say, "You could end up this way."  This could say, "Maybe you need to make different clothing choices?"

Finally, just find a doll that looks like you and put it in the window of your living room.  It is probably one of the best deterrents for robbers out there.  Wow, how did they find such a likeness?

Of course, it is always a good idea to add a boyfriend.

Or better yet:

Because we don't know when all those hands may come in handy, if you know what I mean.

What doll would you add to a neighbor's doorstep?

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