Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just Sayin

Sometimes there are moments when I realize that even if this little babe is from MD, there are a few things that I just don't understand.

Like the phrase, "Just Sayin."  The Urban Dictionary defines it as not claiming what you "just said."

In my mind, this phrase is just a  cop out for saying what is on your mind and actually getting away with it.

"Honey, they tried pushing you back in the ocean because you were wearing that gray bathing suit.  Wear flowery bathing suits like me and it will never happen.  Just saying."

See here, you're telling your best friend that, I'm sorry, but you look like a beached whale.  To temper it, the "just saying" is your way of backing back out of the situation.

More Examples:

"Well son, had you picked up the dirty clothes off of your floor, the dog would not consider your room her bathroom because of the smell, just saying."

"Yes, I was all ready to make you that gourmet meal, but after pouring the glass of wine for the chef, it's chicken nuggets and carrot sticks.  Just sayin."

"No sweetie, those leopard skinned spanx pants are not doing what they are supposed to be doing.  Don't come out of the dressing room, just hand them to me.  Just sayin."

"I'm not sure if pulling your breast out in the middle of the National Anthem at a baseball stadium full of drunk dudes is such a good idea, just saying."
So do you think "Just saying," means,

What the flip were you thinking?

Listen to me, you'll thank me later.

Oh. My. God.

No.  Just no....

Or do we use it to say what is really on our mind and temper it with a little bit of honey, just enough that your friend/family member/significant other doesn't go with their inner sense and just slap some sense into you.

Finally, are you just saying what you just said, or just saying what you need to say?

Just saying.

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