Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Don't hate me because I'm positive

Recently I've been receiving messages from people that want to remind me something I already know - life isn't perfect.  Sure in social media it can sound perfect, but really who wants to read Facebook status updates that include:

What an awful day, I want to go back to bed.

Everyone hates me, I'm going to go eat worms.

I'm fat and feel ugly and my pants don't fit.

I choose, what I choose in life - I choose to look at things with a positive attitude.  I always tell myself, "Think positive and act happy, eventually it won't be an act."  I've learned that you can sit with someone and have the pity party, or you can be the positive one and help them see the blessings rather than the faults.

I do have a great life - I am blessed with a husband that I love beyond words (which is a lot to me because that is my only constant - words) I have two kids that make me laugh sometimes out of frustration sometimes out of mirth, I have a job that travels with me that I enjoy doing and I'm blessed with friends that accept me with all my flaws.  I can mire myself in the problems and mistakes of the past or I can decide to move forward - what would you decide?

So go ahead and criticize my positive attitude, or better yet, try acting positive and you may be pleasantly surprised that soon you realize it's not an act!

Have you been targeted for being to positive in social media?  Do people hate you because you're positive?

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