Sunday, May 29, 2011

The beauty of a new day.....

The beginning of summer to me is like the feeling of falling in love. There’s so much excitement in the air, counting down to when the days stretch ahead without THE SCHEDULE, to when the bathing suit of the morning becomes the clothing of the day, to waking in the cool stillness of the morning, checking the watch then rolling back over, whispering something before falling back to sleep again.

Sitting, wrapped in a blanket listening to music on the porch, hot cup of coffee in my hand, I love the feeling of each new day. It’s almost like that feeling when waiting for a lover to rise, the anticipation of what you’re going to say, wondering what lays ahead, excited to get the show started. Each day gives me this wonderful feeling of anticipation along with the feeling of peace, of being exactly where I should be. Listening to the stirrings in the house, thinking, “Finally….we can get started.” Let the peace and beauty of the morning go as the bustle of the day starts.

This feeling like those others that come and bring happiness are sampled, savored, then tucked away as the day begins – tucked away for that time when stress or insecurity come and you need to find that peace. Pull out that memory, take that feeling and flow – flow back into the arms of joy and let it fill you with peace.

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