Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to feel old part 2!

Wanting to be involved in my children's school I was asked to man a table for "Multicultural Night" so of course my immediate response was "Erin Go Brach!"  So I went and pulled all my Ireland stuff and got ready for my night of spreading culture.  KNowing how children are, I included some food because that always attracts kids!

The kids came to my booth and asked many questions, many making me feel pretty old.  "Why are those pictures so long?"  Me?  "They are panoramic pictures, taken with a camera."  "Why are they in a book and not on the screen?"  "Uh that's because they were taken with a REAL camera, not a digital camera, so these are REAL pictures."  I look at the pictures and my long hair and skinny body and feel a prick of age creeping in....

"Why type of money is this?"  I look at the coins and answer again, "That's the Irish money before the Euro, now all the European countries use the Euro, so these coins aren't really circulated in Ireland, but here's the pound, the pence and a penny."  Hmmmm, I'm beginning to sound like my grandmother.....

Then they look at the clothing, the beautiful handknit woolen sweaters, mine from the Aran Islands and my son's that he wore when he was......gosh, 6 months old?  I look at the small sweater and sigh, I remember telling people that time doesn't pass that fast now I'm sounding just like them with "Man, time really flies!"

I look at my treasures and think about the memories and smile, it's these things that make me feel old but the memories that come with them that keep me oh, so young!  What memories do you have?  Are you finding your toyes in the antique shop yet?

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