This Post was written for the Shot@Life Mother's Day Meme with Sisters From Another Mister. I am honored to be one of the 20 bloggers writing posts about Mother's Day. I really tried to get all mushy and say sweet things about being a mother - but then I realized that I need to be myself. My post is about those tale tell signs you are a mother.
I have made my donation to this great cause because as a mother, I know we want the best for our children and mothers shouldn't have to choose between vaccinating a children and keeping food on the table. A simple $20 donation can immunize a child for their lifetime! So if you like this post, share it on Facebook and Twitter and let's start spreading the word!
Want to donate? See below!
A mother (or mum/mom) is a woman who has raised a child, given birth to a child, and/or supplied the ovum that united with a sperm which grew into a child.
How do you know you are a Mother?
Grey hair - remember that full head of beautiful hair until - them. Now most of the hair has either been pulled out (in the beginning by a toddler, later by you) and colored out of a box.
Loss of Hearing - being selective or the constant din of life at home, most Moms are heard saying, "What?"
Nose Protrusion - Do not mess with a Mom on a scent mission - let her move through the house unhindered as she searches out the culprit for "that smell." And even if you don't smell it, agree with her because when she finds it under your bed, the "I told you so," doesn't last that long.

The slight limp in your walk. It starts with holding a child in your arms for the first year of their life. I never realized love handles were actually handles for children to hold onto. The limp is from favoring one hip for a child permanently bowing one leg.
One arm longer than the other - this is due to spending a lifetime picking up stuff from the floor.
Indentation on your foot - this permanent mark on the bottom of your foot is caused from stepping on something left from a child - a lego, a Barbie Doll shoe, a marble.
Movement - moms are that person standing in the grocery line rocking back and forth. No, we do not have a child in our arms, but we still rock back and forth - it is a habit we will take with us for the rest of our lifetime..
As a mother, I have each and every one of these traits and I walk proudly with them. Only other Moms know the hard work and determination that goes into shaping and molding that little ovum that united with sperm into a functioning adult. We also know that we are not perfect, because being perfect means we are doing something wrong. Happy Mother's Day to me, I'm going to do what I desire to do on that day - sitting on the couch watching my Duck Dynasty
marathon while my children work on adding a few notches to their character.
Take that you therapist in the future.
Visit Sisters From Another Mister and make your donation now.
We invite you to become part of it. Write your post about your mother, being a mother or simply Mother's Day. Make a donation of a minimum of $10 linking up your post, (better yet, $20 can immunize a child FOR LIFE)This is two simple cups of coffee and you've helped a child!Of course, all donations are tax deductible.And the Bonus for this meme is that every post and comment will give you an entry into some fun giveaways!