The Purse - this is a small black hole, scientists think these smaller black holes originated at the beginning of the universe. The size of the black hole is dependent on the size of the purse. Scientists call Black Holes small but their MASS or the amount of stuff they hold can be massive. This is true when you are looking for your keys, reading glasses, lipstick, business card, pen, pencil, nail clippers, super glue, or deodorant. The hole starts at the bottom of the purse and continues out to pockets on the side of the purse. Items have been know to be lost for not just hours but days and into years with one woman reporting she found a piece of her child's umbilical cord in the bottom of her purse.

The Office - The example of a black hole in the office is that one co-worker's office. Small black holes consists of cubicles, the larger ones usually have a door between gravity and anti gravity. Scientists have confirmed chains of black holes in the office that start with the receptionist desk then move to the water cooler and finally end in a supermassive nova of the lunch room. Protecting yourself from these black holes consist of arriving 1 hour prior to the arrival of other employees and carrying the protection of an iPhone to use as a distraction to get past the black holes.
The School - this is the second type of black hole, next in size called the Stellar Black Hole. The opening of this hole is at the front door of any school - elementary, middle, college. A parent can see the time of their day sucked clean by the first teacher that stops asking a question. Answering that question secures the parent in the black hole for the office administrators to come out and ask a question, followed by the PTA representatives followed by the child that they thought they got away from realizing they are back in school and coming back begging that they feel sick and want to go home.
The Mall - these are the largest or what scientists call SuperMassive black holes. The deprivation of oxygen in these massive structures can cause strange syndromes in humans. IWannaHaveIt is a syndrome where the human spots something in a store that looks perfect when the oxygen is thin in the mall, then once they get it home they realize they look like a Hootchie Mama. Many humans have been sucked into these black holes, only to escape out the revolving door with a missing amount of cash in their wallet and several shopping bags in their hand.
Are Black Holes destroying out universe? Yes, many scientists cite the Black Hole of Walmart. There are many stories of humans disappearing into these Holes and returning with a complete personality change. Some have said the use of an electric wheelchair was the only way to escape the gravitational pull. Others have surfaced a few days later with a case of Coors Light, some ammo and a pack of Depends.
How do you protect yourself from Black Holes? Your first choice is to avoid them. If you cannot avoid them, arm yourself with a small child that whines and complains until the gravitation pull lets go of both of you for a bit of peace and quiet.
If you fall into the Black Hole of Great Book - have a great time and we'll talk to you later.
What are your black holes?
Hootchie Mama's ... love it xxx
ReplyDeleteTHere are definitely people I consider emotional black holes...a sucking vortex.