Riding my bike today I passed this family farm. There was a shed with the door open and the sounds of a motor coming through the open door. Pre Criminal Minds, I'd just keep riding past. Post Criminal Minds I wonder if he is dismembering a body in there and listen intently for the scream of the victim to confirm my suspicion.
Questioning motives. My boys wanted to go on a hike. They packed snacks, duct tape and a hammer. I must say I walked behind them the entire way.
Does your mind wander when you chop up a pomegranate and look at the blood, I mean juice on the knife?
I hate glass doors now. Sitting home by myself writing, I get the creeps anytime I open/close or walk past a glass door. Too many episodes of the killer standing out there in the door looking through the glass. This is especially worse on closing a glass door as you always half see someone staring at you in the reflection.
How can you ever look at duct tape the same? Even if it is Hello Kitty Duct Tape.
I've removed the medicine cabinets. We all know that once you close a medicine cabinet, especially one with a mirror you are basically screwed, or skewered or chopped or drugged. Get rid of them now.
I cannot look outside any window in my home when it is dark outside.

The good news is that watching this show has made me rethink about getting into prostitution, apparently these girls are GONERS!

How fast can you walk? When it is dark, and you realized you parked your car in the far corner of the parking lot for the exercise?
Tonight since I am by myself, and I must protect my kids like the Momma Bear that I am, I am sleeping with the Butcher Knife under my pillow and the phone on the nightstand.
Wait a minute. What if he texts me that he's coming to get me, what do I do then?
How has Criminal Minds changed the way you look at things?
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