Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WTF -- Do not watch a movie with the hubby!

Note to self-do not watch any movie involving airplanes and helicopters with Jeff Melang​.

We watched San Andreas with The Rock

To me, I'm just looking to be entertained, great visual effects of San Francisco demolished, the Hoover Dam collapsing, and of course the best visual effect - The Rock or Dwayne Johnson.

My husband on the other hand, the man that always reminds me during every SCIFI movie that you cannot have explosions in space due to lack of oxygen, saw a different movie.  It did not help that the movie included a Dodge Caravan airplane, one that Jeff sells on a regular basis.

"What ! The Caravan does not sound like a piston engine when it starts."
"They should have already run out of fuel by now."
"That interior doesn't look right."

I ignored most of the comments he made until he totally lost it on one part:

"There is NO SUCH THING as a HOVER button on a helicopter!  I'm writing a letter."

He went on to research the helicopter, and talk about the "Hover" button for the rest of the movie.

I guess he was watching for all the mechanical parts of the movie for accuracy because he totally missed that the Rock had a completely lily white family.

How they survive explosions with blood all over their face, then are completely clean the next scene, we didn't even see the extra tub of Pampers wipes somewhere in the helicopter.

Or how their clothes could take so much abuse from explosions and fire and other parts of the disaster and stay in one piece?  I want Spankz made out of that material.

There is so many ways the Rock and his family get out of disaster after disaster that it almost didn't seem real but then I remembered....

It was the Rock, so of course it was real.

All in all a great entertaining movie, just do go into the details.

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