Monday, April 14, 2014

THOSE Parents!

I've moved into into the "Parent of Older Children" status now that both of my boys have hit double digit status with one an actual TEENAGER!  I can sit and chuckle as I watch THOSE parents with the small children, remembering what they were going through.

The Organic Momma - "Oh we only do Organic Rainforest Chocolate.  I am sure those little eggs are delicious, but what does it do to the environment?"

The Helpful Neighbor - "We went ahead and walked your dog for you.  She looked like she needed to go out.  Here is her bag of poo, where would you like us to put it?"

The Stressed Mum - "Stephen is such a picky eater, we brought our own Easter Eggs for him.  George go hide the eggs while I cover his eyes.  I am sure the other children will not like the Gluten Free, Dye Free, Sugar Free Chocolate."

The Hoarder - "Looks like you have a few extra goodie bags left, I'll take a few for Carla's brother and 3 sisters, is that OK?"

The Hipster Mom, "Is that two bees doing it?  Do bees actually do it?"

Then there are the code words:

"Oh, I'm not sure those bolts will hold you."  Translation - You are either too old or too heavy to play on my swings.

"How fast does that motorbike go?" Translation - "Is that the liquor cycle I've heard about, the mopeds that go to the people who've lost their licenses?"

"She's a picky eater."  Translation - "Please don't offer her that extra large slice of Chocolate Heavenly Cake."

"Shhh, the baby's sleeping"  Translation - Time for everyone to go home.

"Why?"  from a child.  Translation - "But I want to do it anyway."

"Are you sure you want to do that?"  Translation - Trampolines for women over 40?  Not a good idea.

Funny, but I used to be every single one of these parents.  Thinking I knew it all about parenting and finding out quickly how little I do know.  Now, I just pray that something is sticking and the kids will turn out normal.

Seriously, how do you define normal?

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