Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Feel Young - Muddy Creek Cafe

I had the pleasure of attending a music show at Muddy Creek Cafe tonight.  Granted it was billed as "Old Time Music" so I was thinking blue grass maybe a little folk.  This was "Old Timer" music.

I show up and immediately felt like that first day of High School.  Everyone sitting had already been at the rodeo of life for quite some time and most were looking at me saying, "Well, lookee here what's she doing at our party?  Should we stuff her in the trash can??"

The audience of this party was beyond the start of AARP and well into the Reverse Mortgage kind of time.  There were blue hairs, there were white hairs, then there were the covered up hairs - me!  They watched as I decided against the prune juice and went for a bottle of beer.  Not only was I totally out of my element, but my two boys I brought with me were looking at me like, "IS IT TIME TO LEAVE?"

But we sat and got an education on the music of the night.  All three muscians were over 70 years old and decided to form a band.  My decision to take up twerking at my 21 years of age means I've got plenty of time to perfect it.  We had the banjo, guitar player, the singer and the harmonica player.  We sat and sang with them to The Circle Be UnBroken, Folsom Prison Blues and These Boots are Made for Walking.  We got the feeling that they had groupies - and that most came aboard that Countrywide Retirement bus sitting in the parking lot.

The kids hid inside playing video games knowing that this was their invisible shield against old folks, do something they wouldn't understand and they will leave you alone.  When they finished with God Bless America, everyone stood and put their hand on their heart and we all sang it together.  What started as "this is strange" to "oh my goodness, this is why I love where I live, where we can all stand and sing this and enjoy it."

Of course, I yelled "one more song" and they looked at me like I commanded them, simply saying "OK."  When the last song was done, I thought again of the Who Concert, the exodus was so quick and deliberate that I had to jump out of the way of Sylvia and her walker.

I left with a new realization, and I'm sorry my friends this means you, I'm dumping my friends for this crew.  Not only will they make me feel better about my age, but they make me want to stand up and sing and not care what anyone else thinks!

The old songs group will be back at Muddy Creek on Thursdays - if you want to expand your minds and your vocal cords stop by and experience.


  1. I too attended this event and I'm glad you found out that old and dead are two separate things. I for one admire the fact that these folks are willing to start a band after they hit retirement age. I'm glad that you are realizing at such an early age that life is way too short to care what others think. You've got to sing when you want to, and dance when you feel it. Old age doesn't need to be a curse. I think these folks found out it's a way of saying "WTF, I'm going to have a good time and you can either come along or get off my ride".

  2. Amazing how life can show you a new experience if you only take the time to sit down and listen!
