Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How Dogs Rule the World

My husband and my dog have this love/ hate relationship.  It all started with a trip to the shelter to "look" at animals.
Do you ever go to the shelter to "look" at animals?  Well, needless to say as we were looking at dogs, this little ball of fluff was dropped off at the door, came in and jumped in my lap.

Oh boy.  I am so busted.

How will I tell my "no dogs for this family" husband?

After several arguments, and one night of sleeping in the car with this cute little ball of fluff.  We brought home ShawneeHaw our Maltese/Terrier mix from the shelter.

How did she reward my husband with his decision to relent and get a dog?

We told him that getting a shelter dog is cheaper than a pure bred dog.   ShawneeHaw tested positive for heart worm AFTER we got her home.  $800 and 30 days of keeping a puppy calm 24/7 she busted that myth.  

And to further bust that myth, she ingested some type of poison and with a $2400 vet bill later, she felt fine but my hubby mentioned his "wallet felt a lot lighter."

We promised that he would have nothing to do with the dog, he holds us to it:
1.  He walks by and says, "Kelly there is dog crap on the floor, who's cleaning it up?"
2.  He stands there in the kitchen, "Kids this is your dog, has anyone fed it?"
3.  He sits on the couch reminding us that SOMEONE needs to walk the dog.

So she rewards him by bonding with him, here's how our shelter dog treats my husband:
1.  He sits on the couch and she is immediately lying on the cushion behind his head.
2.  She picked his expensive favorite pair of shoes to chew part of the buckle off.
3.  Whenever he is cooking she is standing there leaning on his leg begging until the cooking is done.
4.  In our bed, she is curled up on top of his head on the pillow.

So the dog that he didn't want has now bonded with him, and goes crazy only when HE gets home from work.

When we're not watching, I watch him let the dog in his lap and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.  When I am looking I am told that the dog is MINE and by the way, there's some crap on the floor.

Oh, and the dog?  She just ate 6 Slim Jims - pray it's not another trip to the vet.

Does your dog rule the home?

1 comment:

  1. After fifteen years with my first dog and just four years with this one Im pretty certain I was put on this Earth to serve THIS least that what he seems to think.
