Friday, December 2, 2011

A Little Elfin Magic by Hanz

An elf’s life at the Melang Household. Hanz our resident Christmas elf wanted to share how hard it is to be an elf at the Melang House! “Santa put me on this duty of watching the Melang Boys and reporting back if they’ve been naughty or nice. He never told me how hard it would be! First I keep trying to hide around the house from the boys, but every morning little Max is up at 530am LOOKING for me, and finds me every time! Here comes his hand pulling me from behind the Ovaltine in the pantry and running screaming to his Mom! I wish he would wash his hands before carrying me! Then they take my candy stash, I keep trying to hide my candy under their pillows but the first night the dog ate it (starburst) then the second night the boys found it an ate it! I’m going to have to find better places to hide candy! Then comes competition, Santa knew that the Melang boys are very busy so he sent two friends – Franz and Theodore to help me keep track of them. They’re twins, and like to hide in the same place, one of their favorites was in Max and Wolfgang’s shoes on the morning they traveled back from the mountains. Since the family travels back and forth from the Mountains, I’ve got to use my Elfen Magic to travel too! I’m not sure I have enough fairy dust! Every morning we hide around the house but every morning someone FINDS US! I’ve been carried around the house by the dog, dropped on my head by their Dad, and even dropped in the toilet! The humiliation never ceases, luckily like their Mom, I just get up, glue my head back on my body and keep going! She’s given me a few energy gels to help but nothing like fairy dust and sugar! I am happy to say that both boys at this time are on the NICE list (we checked on the computer). I’ve written notes in my elfen hand telling them to stop fighting and share the remote to stay on the NICE list! My handwriting is so small that only the boys can read it, cause Jeez, I am a small dude! So Merry Christmas from the Melang House and take a good look around your home – one of my friends may be hiding there and you haven’t found them yet!

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