Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Decisions, Decisions.....

In the age of social media, we've become sticklers on what we do.  Have you found yourself: 

10.  Looking a picture from all angles, making sure your butt doesn't look big BEFORE posting it to Facebook?

9.  Agonizing over which recipe to pin to your Pinterest page because you want everyone else to think you actually cook this shit.

8.  Looking over your shoulder when you are stalking someone on Facebook to make sure they are not standing there stalking you.

7.  Getting comment from someone then stalking them a little bit to figure out who they are and how you know them.

6.  Trying to pick the perfect picture to Pin to Pinterest and checking the post to Facebook link, you have to look smart, sexy and capable to your Facebook following.

5.  Unfriending a few pages because you never realized until now that your child is behind you looking over your shoulder when you are checking your social media accounts.  #awkward

4.  You loose all self esteem when Facebook thinks you are a knee with facial recognition.

3.  Thinking that you need to sound like Pollyanna because everyone else is doing it.  "I love my husband so much that even when he's in the bathroom pooping, I miss him.  He's been in there way too long.  And he's such a great guy, when will he come out so we can snuggle on the couch together?"

2.  Stealing someone else's Pinterest Pin and passing it off as your own because your attempt at the Kit Kat Lasagna looked like crap.

1.  Want to scream out there into cyberspace - "Hey, I'm am freakin hilarious, will you please show me some love?  At least like that very funny post - just like it.  Do you hear me?"

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