In case you have lived under a rock the past two weeks, everyone's been twerking everything they own to twerk. So as a regular Friday installment, WTF or What The Friday wants to explore twerking.

There is no evidence of the origination of the word Twerk, some say it comes from the word "footwork" though I am at a loss of where the foot has anything to do with this - I think it is the booty.
Another origin is the combination of the words "twist" and "jerk." This makes sense because the word jerk does seem to go with this move.
To me, twerking has been around for a very long time, it just had a different name. I have always known it as the "hoe dancing" or the "skankbug" or the "bootybop" because usually the ones twerking at any club I've ever been to had another one of the above names attached to them.
I searched the web for twerking and thought I would share some twerkers with you:
On a twerk forum: "Why is twerkin so easy for sum girls? I wanna kno becus I want to be on the Twerk Team."
Twerk Team? Do I really want to know?
Oh, and here's an answer (honest to God) "hahahaha i wil give you a good answer :] matter of fact i went to a twerk bash :D so basicall you ben over not al the waya bout half way arch your back hands ony your knee/thighs and move your knees up and down and pop your back or freestyla"
Yes, we can tell that very intelligent people are using the Twerk to further their education because putting on your college application that you were a standing member of the Twerk Team is a real plus.
Which brings me to ask these important questions?
Do you do the dance because it makes you use your Keugel Muscles? Because if that's the case, then, I've got a lot of twerking to move.
When you shake your buttocks in an up and down motion, it is hard to stay standing?
And if you have a thong on and are twerking, do you apply vaseline to the string so you don't start a fire back there?
If you are wondering if twerking is right for you, for some it just doesn't work. Case in point, this video shows that twerking can actually kill you.
Be careful out there my friends.
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