No really, I really need to go out side.
Whew, thanks for opening the door.
Ack! It is freezing out here.
Let me in!
Let me in!

Oh, wait, I forgot to use the bathroom.
I need to go outside.
Really, I forgot to use the bathroom, I HAVE to go outside.
Whew, thanks for opening the door.
It is freezing out here, let's get this over with fast!
Hey? I'm back at the door, can you open it?
Really, open the door - it is freezing out here.
No? Let me go to the other door.

Heck, is the back door I hear opening, wait!
Hey, I'm freezing back here, let me in.
Whew, it is nice and warm in here.
I think I want to go outside.
Ha ha! That is so true. Or at least it is with our two dogs anyway. :)