Yes, I have fought it every step of the way, but somehow it caught up with me.
I am getting old.
How do I know?
I am having hot flashes.
Those feelings I used to welcome when watching Vin Diesel in the Fast and Furious movies but now they come at the wrong time.
When someone wants to give me a hug.
When I have put on that cute dress that just seems to not only soak up the water my body produces but places it in the most inappropriate places, like looking like I've peed myself.
I'm having mood swings.
My husband will say, "Good morning sweetie," and I hear, "Hey lardass how many Reese Cups did you eat last night?" I know it is not right, but something inside makes me react to that.
Then my kids will do what they normally do - not brush their teeth for 6 days, or take their shoes off in the car when the windows are up or spend the afternoon annoying each other, normally I can ignore this, but all of a sudden I want to become Jason Vorhees and take out a chainsaw and make they feel sorry they said "STOP" for the 1032th time.
I have a teenage face.

I have a muffin top.
Is there nothing I can do for this extra layer of fat around my waist? I am cutting my calories, my only carb is a single crouton once a week. Some of my sisters nod knowingly with the "Oh, yeah, we tried that too" face but they let me do my pilates, my crunches, my burpees and see the same, "When's the baby due" stomach.
Now if I could take care of the liquid carbohydrates, well, then I'd be back at the beginning of this list and in a much worse mood.
I can't sleep.
Sure I worry about my kids, my job, my mortgages, my muffin top. When I was younger, I'd wake up thinking, "Was that an axe murderer I heard in the house?" Now, I wake up thinking, "Was that the dog barfing I heard?" I can fall back to sleep only to wake up again thinking, "Did I actually post that after two glasses of wine? or When did I pay the electric bill?" These mean, just get up because you'll be obsessing about it anyway.
I'm become unsure.

I have memory loss.
I forget why I walked into a room. I forget that my glasses are sitting on my head. I forget that I schedule a facebook post and then like it because I think it is cool. I write whole short stories and forget them until I read them a few days later.
I forget where I put my keys, I forget if I washed a pile of laundry until I smell it and as I fall to my knees remember this was on going INTO the washer. I forget all the reminders school sends home, then forget re-reminders. Yes, I am that parent begging, "I know it is a week late, but please let me turn in this fundraiser, sure it's a bunch of orders but it's really all my own money but he really wants to do the pig races this year!"
Luckily I know who I am and where I am going - and I do not need GPS to tell me so. The best part about age is the wisdom that comes with it, so forget all the crappy stuff that comes along and embrace the new and improved you!
What are some of your menopause symptoms?
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