Let's put a few real commercials into perspective:

Hot Sauce - Yes, you know you want to do even if you were the one that taught him that word. So go ahead.
Bargain Toilet Paper - yes we are sandpaper, but you are buying us you cheap shits.
Disposable Douche - Take that disposable douche and throw it away - whether it is an actual person or not.
Lubricant - if she's not happy you will suffer for the rest of your life. Make her happy, suck it up.

Lite Beer - yes, we really are for wusses.
Mini Pads - young girls we're your rite of passage, old women we're your last resort.
Deodorant - we're not just for your underarms anymore.
Internet Dating - really, put your real picture up on your profile and you'll have much better luck.
Wine - because sometimes it's better than a shotgun. And your best friend is on vacation so you'll not be able to hide the body.
Any new commercials you'd like to write? I'm thinking of starting a company.
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