I choose to wine more, and whine less. Yes, there is a difference.
I resolve to finally finish 50 Shades of Grey and not keep getting stuck at the good parts, you have to put up with the soft parts to get to the hard parts.
I will listen to my children, or at least act the part a little better.
I will clean out my pantry. Today, the day before New Years, that way I can eat all the crappy food and wake up the next morning bloated with a resolution to only buy healthy food.

I will cook more gourmet meals, or at least, hide the box better.
I will not text and drive, wait, I wasn't doing that anyway---honest.
I will spend more time with my family. I'll still not listen to them, but I will be around, nodding, more often.
I will appreciate my friends, even when they are laughing as I lay on my back by the side of the ski slope. Oh, you are so next.
I will be softer on myself, because, face it, everything about myself is softer and rounder - face, thighs, butt, legs.....
I will say what is on my mind. Oh wait, that's my resolution from last year.

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