There's a strip bar off of 52 by our house. OK, I'd better clarify that it is FAR away from our house. But I just passed it and the sign said, "Now hiring smiling faces."
Wait a minute - do you guys REALLY look to see if they are smiling? Or is that some kind of code?
Picture Earl and Stanley sitting while Shirley is showing her experience:
"Earl, is she smiling? Earl?"
"Smiling, we're hiring smiling face, EARL!"

Then, on the way to my son's elementary school, there's a BAR---OK the bar is FAR away from the elementary school, but close to the church (we are in North Carolina) and the name, get this
is Benders.
There's no guessing what people are doing at that bar. It's call Benders with a sign that says, "We accept brown bags."
So I'm thinking of the conversation:
"Sheila, I've had one helluva week at work, let's go out for a drink."

"How about the Winston Salem Social Club, Angela?"
"Oh no, tonight is a night for Benders."
Another sign that had me wondering was a local garage:
"Free brake check."
It makes me think, if they are coming in for a brake check, then everyone better jump out of the way because the car will keep going and take the back of the garage out.

Did you know Taco Bell was hiring all shits?
And an art gallery said, "Don't touch yourself, let us do it for you."
My son's favorite, "McDonald's juicy black anus burger."
Finally, my Favorite sign is in a little town. There's a deli and a store called B.J's Fine Apparel. Yes, you can all laugh about the B.J's fine apparel but someone typed up a sign and left it in front of the deli.
"This parking is for the deli only. Parking for B.J's is behind their building."
After I stopped peeing myself laughing, I simply shook my head and said, "What the Friday?"
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