Friday, October 18, 2013

WTF - What The Friday - Woods of Terror?

How to make it through Woods of Terror - A Mom's Guide

Do not bring them to the Monster Parade if they are on the fence, you'll lose your general admission when they refuse to go in after being chased by a chainsaw wielding zombie.

Eat plenty of bananas the week before - potassium stops bruising which you will have plenty of from the hands of the kids behind you grabbing your arms in a death grip.

Use your Mom ears - the ones where you really don't hear the fighting in the same room?  That way you can waltz through the barrel hitting zombie miners.

Bring one of your child's dirty diapers - show it to the zombie women with a "you think that is gross, well lookee here!"

Wear gloves - it makes pulling kids through the confined spaces, and the cushions in the gloves make the finger sqeezing a little easier.

Things to remember:

You will be pushed at the zombie/monster/vampire first, we have taught our children that Mom will lay her life on the line for her little kids, they really believe that!

Set aside the sanitizer until the end - this is supposed to be scary - and thinking of the germs in all the different area - well, that's scary.

Don't look scared - or they will be scared.  Use scented panty liners and they won't smell you pee your pants.

It's really not that scary for Moms - some of the things we've seen teenagers do - now that is pretty scary.  Sit them down and tell them your stories - you'll have THEM running for the hills.

So I pulled several kids through some of the attractions, peed my pants (a little bit) but had a great time with the kids at Woods Of Terror!  Bring your kids and show them how Moms really can protect their little monsters from monsters!!

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