Chafeam - This is that scream in the shower when you find you missed a vital part of your body with the Body Glide.
Going For The Burn - There's chaffing on your body, you know the shower is going to sting, you bite a leather strap and go in anyway.
Bloe - this is that toe you thought to cut before you long run, then forgot. It is now reminding you with an insistent throbbing. It is then covered with blood at the end of your run.

WWSD - this is that conversation in your mind where you so want to walk during a long run but you are reminded with "What Would Steve (Prefontaine) Do?"
PACE - the salsa of runners. You can either pickup the Pace, pick the Pace, or run away with the Pace.
Racing Singlet - a catch tune or that short cut top that makes you look sexy for the bystanders.
PR - a personal request - usually at the beginning of a run, "Can we run by Krispy Kreme so I can carbo load?" This can also be a Personal Roll - that fall during a run that includes a popping up on your feet saying, "I'm OK."
Runner's Courtesy - best to say, "On your left" than "Get out of the way!"

Injurathon - that meeting with other runners where everyone focuses and explains all of their injuries while the rest bow their heads in sympathy.
Masters - we've been running long enough to remember to smile at the camera at the finish line.
Fast Charlatan - that person that suits up for the marathon (water bottles, gels, body glide, cloth, gummy bears) and then runs 3.1 miles.
Lady Gaga - that runner that has every new piece of gear including the ultra compressing while massaging you'll love them tights. Unfortunately, not much of it looks good on her.

Runner - that person that leaves part of their body and most of their mind on a road to no where and enjoys the journey.
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