Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Christmas Wish

Merry Christmas to all, my wish for you.

1.  That you don't care - remember caring about what others think of you makes you less of a person, you lose a piece of yourself when you let others control your destiny.  Don't care about what they think care more about what makes you a whole person - mind, body and spirit.

2.  Get moving - enjoy a good dance move every once in a while.  Did you know that more chemicals in your body are released when you get out and bust a move not caring what you look like?  Back to don't caring, bust that move because your body is telling you that you want to say something - really, say it with your body and say it loud.

3.  Do what scares you - remember that feeling of Christmas morning?  You'll feel that way when you accomplish something you've never done before.  Espeically is there is an element of danger to it.  Don't stand behind the excuses of - I'm too old, my body is broken, I'm scared, or so and so won't let me - just go do it.

4.  Don't waste time - I have two great Christmas memories of my parents, and both are of the Christmas when we had the feeling that this could be their last.  We had a great time, we did everything they wanted to do, and we told them those things in our hearts.  Even if it was their last, it was perfect - because it was a great memory that is still held dear.

5.  Fall a few times - many are afraid to fall, but falling is good for you.  The getting up process is a test on how strong you are - do you simply get up?  Or do you get up and keep going?  Do you get up and keep going knowing that what you learned in that fall is the lesson of a lifetime - just behind what you learned in that second before you fell.

6.  Slow down - did you see that?  some one wanted your attention and you blew right by them.  you'll find if you stop a minute, you'll notice so much more.  and what you notice will be sweet and surprising.

Finally I wish you for a morning of soft Christmas kisses, of children whispering outside your door wondering what is in all the pretty packages under the tree.  That they crawl back in bed with you and complain when you tell them that present opening isn't until AFTER breakfast, well, ok, after Mom and Dad get their cup of coffee.  I hope you see those ghosts of Christmas past in their joyous faces - you see those that passed knowing that the joy you feel that day is something that always stays, just like your memories of them.  I hope you sit and watch with a steaming cup of coffee, and think about how great you have it - sure there is trouble around the corner, but you are here.  You are living life.  You are you - and to me, you are perfect.  I wish you happiness, and as always if you need a willing ear to listen, I wish you'll call me first.

 Merry Christmas - peace and joy and happiness.


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