1. Not right now honey - "Please stop bothering me because each time you come up and whine, means I'm delaying what YOU want me to do for another 15 minutes."
2. Can you put that down? "I'm getting ready to tase you bro if you don't put down that computer/iphone/DS or your little brother."
3. Can you hear me? "I've said the same thing 15 times, if you say you can then I'm going to smack you."
4. What do you want? "I'm sorry I was simply hearing you fighting, I didn't realize you were asking me for something."
5. Give me a minute - "I'm in the bathroom reading 50 Shades of Grey because I can't concentrate on this steamy scene while you are talking to me."

7. I'm sorry I forgot that at the store - "It wasn't on sale."
8. For Pete's Sake - "How could two boys mess up a bathroom that bad?"
9. Why don't you take the dog for a walk? - "Mommy needs a little Happy Hour and Happy means the right type of wine."
10. I love you - "You drive me crazy but I wouldn't want it any other way."
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