My children have the routing gene - passed down from me. My grandmother used to call me her router, I loved to go through boxes in the attic, drawers of costume jewelry in her bedroom looking of treasures. The boys know their treasure trove is in the boat garage, boxed up and waiting for them. They pulled out old Piedmont Airlines memorabilia - note cubes, eye glass cleaners, T-shirts. Then they found a box of letters, yellowing papers, faded pen, judging from the neatness, from a girl.
"Dear Jeff: Why haven't you called me? You said our love would last forever, but now every time I see you with Tammy I can't stand it....."
The boys start laughing, I look over at Jeff and there's a hint of blush as he says, "What? Where did they come from?"
"Jeff: Ever since I started working at the Western Sizzling, I'm glad we've become friends, I hope we can be more than friends."
They are letters from girls from his teenage years, love letters replying to letters he wrote to them.
"Jeff, remember when it snowed? I loved what we did out in the snow."
Jeff looks at me laughing, "Jeez!"
The boys keep reading and I smile. The letters are funny (when did it really snow in Winston) and sad (why didn't he call her back) but they are "pre-me." I look at the boys and say, "See, Daddy was one hot dude, all the girls loved him. I was lucky enough to get him."
What would you do if love letters from the past resurfaced?
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