It's the first day of fall and I cannot be happier. Gone are the days of sweat running down my back from a walk from my front door to my car. There are so many different reasons to love the cooler weather, I thought I would share a few with you.
Preparing for Hibernation. The cooler weather signals cold weather is on its way and everyone must prepare for hibernation correctly. That is why there is pumpkin spice everywhere, because it is usually loaded with double fat, lots of caramel and of course several large eggs. (My children say, eggs, butter, milk - of course it is healthy) But don't worry, the calories don't count as long as you can cover it up with warm clothes, bringing the arrival of long sweaters, and jeggings.
The arrival of all of our favorite TV shows. Does anyone think it is interesting that all of our TV shows start as soon as we "fall back" onto our couches because it is already dark outside? I think not.
Fall is a gentle reminder that Christmas is right around the corner. No, not to freak out and go shopping, but to start looking for that Ugly Christmas Sweater you bought at end of season last year and put in a "safe place."

Cobwebs come back in style. Remember that cleaning project you thought of in July? Cleaning all the cobwebs off of your home? Never got to it? Don't worry about it! With Halloween coming up, you're house will be the coolest in the neighborhood! Better yet, with a cold winter maybe all the spiders freezing their butts off will leave your home and move South.
The Uggs come out of the closet as your feet descend into their warm fur. Most never take them off until May so that smell of spring, well we call it Eau de Ugg Feet!
The only stressor of fall for me is the battle of the thermostat. Wanting cool fresh air, I'll leave the windows open and leave off the heat. My children walk by in the morning with a nice coat of frost on their face begging me to turn on the heat. But I try to refuse until the first snow of the season. We will see who wins this year.
Finally, once the temperature dips it is perfect acceptable to make love under the covers and no one thinks you are hiding something. In my house, I can put away the Vaseline I've coated the door knob with, keeping little hands from turning it. Plus, with the changeover to flannel sheets, my hubby never knows my legs are fuzzy, they just feel like the sheets.
So as the temperatures fall, and some of you are sniffing as you put away the flip flops and sun screen, remember there are plenty of reasons to celebrate Fall!
What would you add?
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